FYI Weekly


October 30, 2015

October 30, 2015

Our Oct. 30 issue has updates on Workers Compensation information, links to upcoming Emerging Trends in Health Care & Insurance roundtable series, and more dates for VHREF-sponsored and other seminars, conferences, and webinars. [securefile file=’FYI-Weekly-Oct.-30-Final.pdf’ title=’Read the Oct. 30 issue here.’]

October 23, 2015

October 23, 2015

The Oct. 23 issue of FYI Weekly features a Research Corner about effective hospital communication and positive patient experiences, a DMAS Preadmission Screening update, information about the Center for Healthcare Excellence’s shared learning webinar, updates on SYNC, and as always, information about upcoming VHREF programs. [securefile file=’FYI-Weekly-October-23-2015.pdf’ title=’Read the Oct. 23 issue here.’]

October 16, 2015

October 16, 2015

The Oct. 16 issue discusses the meeting of the Virginia Rural Hospital Improvement Collaborative, a Research Corner about hospitals with negative margins maintaining community commitments, an award presented to VHHA by the Rural Health Association, information about VHHA’s new Quality & Patient Safety Scorecard, and more information on upcoming VHREF programs. [securefile file=’FYI-Weekly-10-16-Final.pdf’ title=’Read the…

October 9, 2015

October 9, 2015

The Oct. 9 FYI Weekly issue touches on COPN work group discussions, information about registering for VHHA’s 89th Annual Meeting, updates on Virginia’s PricePoint website, provides discounts for VHHA members to the Orlando (FL) Studer Conference, a Research Corner that discusses how failure to expand Medicaid has impacted Virginia, and as always, upcoming VHREF programs….

October 2, 2015

October 2, 2015

The Oct. 2 issue talks about the meeting of the Provider Assessment Work Group, encourages readers to register for VHHA’s 89th Annual Meeting from Nov. 11-13, provides updates on the All Payer Claims Database, discusses statewide patient safety improvement efforts with HEN 2.0, contains a Research Corner about total hip and total knee arthroplasty and…

September 25, 2015

September 25, 2015

The Sept. 25 issue of FYI Weekly highlights the fourth meeting of the Workers Compensation Work Group, details the launch of the Virginia Hospitals: Our Lifeline campaign, gives an update on the HosPAC 2015 fundraising campaign, informs about the changes for a two-midgnight short-stay, and details Medicaid Billing Change information. [securefile file=’FYI-9-25-Final.pdf’ title=’Read the Sept….

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