Advocacy & Policy
In today’s political climate, principled, innovative, and effective advocacy is critical to ensuring that hospitals and health systems have the resources they need to provide cost-effective, quality health care services for all Virginians. VHHA and its members’ government affairs staff work each day to maintain the relationships necessary to affect the development of the laws, regulations, and guidelines that govern health care at the state, federal, and local levels. VHHA’s advocacy efforts focus on the Virginia General Assembly and our congressional delegation on Capitol Hill, but also include significant outreach to and work with regulatory agencies such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services or the Virginia Department of Health and groups like the Joint Commission.
Equally important to VHHA’s day-to-day advocacy with legislators and regulators are our efforts to engage hospital and health system leadership and employees. The most effective voice for hospitals and health systems are the 125,000 Virginians employed in VHHA’s member facilities. Involvement in VHHA’s Hospital Grassroots Network by signing up for our online Muster engagement portal, and contributing to HosPAC are all important steps to ensuring hospitals and health systems have a voice in Richmond and Washington.
Action Center: Powered by Muster
Register to be an advocate for health care in your community. Through our online member mobilization tool, VHHA will send updates and Action Alerts throughout the year and periodically ask you to send an e-mail to your state delegate or senator to seek their support on important health care issues. The messages are drafted for you, and taking action can take less than one minute! Action Alerts are sent to Hospital Grassroots Members on the most important legislative issues that our hospitals face. Legislators need to hear from people in their districts to understand the local impact of their votes in Richmond.