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U.S. Ambulances for Ukraine Donation | Nov. 2022 | Richmond Ambulance Authority

In November 2022, VHHA partnered with the Richmond Ambulance Authority (RAA), VCU Health, HCA Virginia, and the Northern Virginia Emergency Response System (NVERS) on a project to donate an ambulance and medical supplies to aid people impacted by combat hostilities in the Ukraine. RAA donated an ambulance and VHHA, VCU Health, and NVERS donated medical supplies to be loaded into the ambulance and shipped to Ukraine. The donation was revealed at a recent public event that featured remarks from U.S. Senator Mark Warner, Virginia Health and Human Resources Secretary John Littel, Chris Manson U.S. Ambulances for Ukraine initiative, leaders from RAA and VHHA. Members of the Virginia General Assembly and Richmond City Council were also in attendance.