April 2012 Review – The Value in Transparency
April 24, 2012
Hospitals and health systems often are called upon by the General Assembly, state agencies and the public to improve the quality of health care and control costs. While some success has been achieved, real change is difficult due to a lack of transparency between and among care settings and a dearth of meaningful, accessible data. For two decades, VHHA and its members have sought to increase the availability of health care quality and cost information to level the playing field between providers, payers and purchasers and make real health care reform possible.
During the 2012 General Assembly Session, VHHA’s 20-year mission to increase transparency in health care quality and cost information took a significant step forward. House Bill 343 (O’Bannon – Henrico) and Senate Bill 135 (Puller –Fairfax) create an by Jeremy Greenfield. Mr. Greenfield serves as Director of PAC and Advocacy. All-Payer Claims Database (APCD) and expand upon Virginia Health Information’s (VHI) efforts to collect health care data.