This issue of FYI Weekly features a recap of the 91st annual VHHA Fall Meeting (Nov. 1-3) hosted by the Virginia Hospital Research & Education Foundation (VHREF), information about the inaugural Patient and Family Experience Week in Virginia (Oct. 30-Nov. 3) and its recognition with a formal proclamation from Governor Terry McAuliffe, details to register for a Nov. 9 workers’ compensation webinar about the 2018 medical fee schedules and to submit online comment to the Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission, a recap of the recent Virginia Rural Health Association Conference, information from the state Department on Aging and Rehabilitation Services that provides tips on finding a professional caregiver, information about CMS extending the S-10 reporting deadline to Jan. 2, and much more.
[securefile file=’FYI-Weekly-November-3.pdf’ title=’Read the November 3 issue here.’]