Population Health

Population Health

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Many Virginia hospitals are in the process of completing Community Health Needs Assessments in their service areas. To support that work, Community Health Solutions has created a knowledge bank with resources related to conducting assessments, planning, and evaluation needs. Visit this link to review the available resources. As VHHA’s work on its Population Health strategy evolves, visit this page and the Community Health Needs Assessment page for updates coming soon. Questions about the Association’s work on this issue may be directed to VHHA Senior Director Kelly Cannon at kcannon@vhha.com or 804-297-3547.

Hospitals and health systems are evolving in accordance with the changing health care landscape. The perception of a hospital as a place that focuses primarily on admitting, treating and discharging sick patients is fading. Many factors, most notably the Affordable Care Act, are driving hospitals and health systems to expand their scope to focus on population health management. This shift requires hospitals to realign their organizational infrastructure to be compatible with a population health approach.

The VHHA research department draws upon multiple data sources, including its own statewide databases. Our team aims to supplement hospitals and health systems with analytics for population health management and clinical decision support.
